• Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Incident
  • Category All Services
Attached to Section: Network
Opened by Admin - 2021-06-16

FS#2703 - Kleyrex peerings down

We experience issue with all Peering Sessions at KleyReX IX.
All peerings are down for now.

We will contact the KleyReX team about the issue and keep you up-to-date here in this task.
Closed by Admin
Thursday, 08 July 2021, 18:25 GMT
Reason for closing:  Finished
Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 08:37 GMT
Impact for customers:
All traffic was rerouted. No further impact is expected for now.
Thursday, 08 July 2021, 18:25 GMT
the issue was resolved.


Task Type

The type of the task. normal work for all services


The category of the task. normal work for all services with upcoming tasks / announcements


A short summary of the task. active issues or failures


The status of the task. service status unknown or not updated yet

Last Edited

The date when the task was last edited.


The progress of the task in percent.