76 | Network | Upgrade | All Services | Upgrade VIX port to 1GE | Closed | 2014-06-27 |
97 | Shared Hosting | Upgrade | Involved Service | Upgrade PHP-memory limit | Closed | 2014-06-22 |
90 | Shared Hosting | Upgrade | Hosting | upgrade PHP 5.3.28 | Closed | 2014-06-19 |
95 | Service + Support | Upgrade | Marketing / Commercial | Upgrade KwK | Closed | 2014-06-18 |
83 | Network | Upgrade | Fra1 | Upgrade POP FRA | Closed | 2014-06-18 |
34 | Network | Upgrade | Jena1 | upgrade router hawk3 sup | Closed | 2014-02-05 |
12 | Datacenter | Upgrade | Jena1 | construction Datacenter Jena1 C+D+Storage | Closed | 2013-09-07 |
1 | Datacenter | Upgrade | Jena1 | cabling CR21-25 | Closed | 2013-02-25 |
11 | Datacenter | Upgrade | Jena1 | cabling CR31 | Closed | 2012-12-12 |
1097 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Update | Virtual Servers | Add new vs2-live hostnodes | Closed | 2024-03-12 |
1061 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Update | Virtual Servers | VS2-free/VS2-cloud add managment for addition... | Closed | 2023-06-07 |
930 | Service + Support | Update | Involved Service | Upgrade Control Panel v2 (KC2) - 2.16.2a_2021... | Open | 2021-07-07 |
937 | Service + Support | Update | All Services | Upgrade shop system | Closed | 2021-07-01 |
929 | Service + Support | Update | Involved Service | Upgrade shop system | Closed | 2021-06-03 |
781 | Service + Support | Update | Involved Service | Deployment Android App v1.6.0/v1.6.1/1.6.2 | Closed | 2019-08-19 |
771 | Service + Support | Update | Involved Service | Deployment Android App v1.5.4/1.5.5 | Closed | 2019-07-10 |
756 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Update | Virtual Servers | update hostnode systems trial/live OpenVZ | Closed | 2019-02-15 |
723 | Service + Support | Update | All Services | Public Holiday 3.10.2018 | Closed | 2018-10-07 |
690 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Update | Virtual Servers | update hostsystems 06.06.2018 / 05.07.2018 | Closed | 2018-08-15 |
673 | Storage | Update | Storage | update filer backends 16.3.2018 | Closed | 2018-03-19 |
672 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Update | Virtual Servers | update hostsystems 15.03.2018 | Closed | 2018-03-15 |
660 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Update | Virtual Servers | update hostsystems / security patches | Closed | 2018-03-09 |
661 | Service + Support | Update | Missing Feature | Update TaC for dedicated Servers 23.01.2018 | Closed | 2018-01-23 |
627 | Service + Support | Update | Involved Service | update hostsystems 05.09.2017 - 10.09.2017 | Closed | 2017-11-12 |
489 | Dedicated Servers | Update | Dedicated Servers | reworking installation system | Closed | 2017-06-13 |
452 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Update | Involved Service | update hostnodes (trial + live) | Closed | 2016-07-15 |
332 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Update | Virtual Servers | Update vServer Rescue-System | Closed | 2015-10-21 |
115 | Shared Hosting | Update | Involved Service | update db02/db04 | Closed | 2014-08-26 |
538 | Network | Termination | Involved Service | Termination AMSIX peering port | Closed | 2023-02-11 |
762 | Shared Hosting | Termination | Hosting | Termination PHP 5.2 and 5.3 backend after 30.... | In progress | 2022-04-13 |
997 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Virtual Servers | removal HN19-live | Closed | 2022-04-13 |
996 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Virtual Servers | removal HN5-live | Closed | 2022-04-13 |
995 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Virtual Servers | removal HN68-live | Closed | 2022-04-13 |
821 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Virtual Servers | removal HN35-live | Closed | 2022-04-13 |
810 | Service + Support | Termination | All Services | Termination XML-RPC API | In progress | 2021-12-17 |
932 | Dedicated Servers | Termination | Dedicated Servers | Windows Server EOL | Closed | 2021-06-09 |
909 | Service + Support | Termination | Involved Service | Termination Fax-Services | In progress | 2021-02-03 |
782 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Virtual Servers | removal HN22-live | Closed | 2020-01-22 |
518 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Virtual Servers | removal hn88-live | Closed | 2019-10-22 |
519 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Involved Service | removal hn82-live | Closed | 2019-07-09 |
701 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Virtual Servers | removal HN24-live | Closed | 2019-07-09 |
777 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Virtual Servers | removal HN50-live | Closed | 2019-07-03 |
770 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Virtual Servers | removal HN75-live | Closed | 2019-05-23 |
764 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Involved Service | removal HN66-live | Closed | 2019-04-15 |
497 | Network | Termination | Involved Service | remove BCIX peering connection | Closed | 2019-02-07 |
444 | Network | Termination | Involved Service | remove SwissIX peering connection | Closed | 2018-11-17 |
475 | Network | Termination | Fra1 | remove VIX peering connection | Closed | 2018-11-17 |
740 | Shared Hosting | Termination | Involved Service | Discontinued CGI-Services | In progress | 2018-11-15 |
657 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Virtual Servers | End of OpenVZ vServer Trial testing | Closed | 2018-08-16 |
511 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Involved Service | removal of unused Trial-Hostnodes | Closed | 2018-03-09 |