754 | Network | Maintenance | All Services | maintenance Core Router bbsw-h3 | Closed | 2019-02-07 |
726 | Network | Upgrade | All Services | upgrade WDM equipment POP TNK | Closed | 2019-01-04 |
745 | Service + Support | Change | Involved Service | migrate various service websites to https/SSL... | In progress | 2019-01-03 |
404 | Network | Securing | Datacenter | DHCP server issue / securing DC network | In progress | 2018-12-04 |
444 | Network | Termination | Involved Service | remove SwissIX peering connection | Closed | 2018-11-17 |
475 | Network | Termination | Fra1 | remove VIX peering connection | Closed | 2018-11-17 |
320 | Network | Implementation | Involved Service | deployment new connections to FRA + AMS | Closed | 2018-11-17 |
743 | Network | Change | All Services | change cabling of uplink port to POP Amsterda... | Closed | 2018-11-17 |
740 | Shared Hosting | Termination | Involved Service | Discontinued CGI-Services | In progress | 2018-11-15 |
695 | Service + Support | Maintenance | Involved Service | relocation ns1 | Closed | 2018-11-15 |
727 | Service + Support | Maintenance | Involved Service | relocation important system services | Closed | 2018-11-09 |
702 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Maintenance | Involved Service | refurbish HN6-live | Closed | 2018-11-03 |
732 | Datacenter | Maintenance | Involved Service | relocation DCJ1-D | Closed | 2018-10-30 |
731 | Datacenter | Maintenance | All Services | relocation DCJ1-C row A | Closed | 2018-10-30 |
734 | Network | Upgrade | Involved Service | upgrade datacenter router dsw-c6ka | Closed | 2018-10-26 |
692 | Datacenter | Change | All Services | relocation DCJ1-B row C | Closed | 2018-10-26 |
721 | Datacenter | Change | All Services | relocation DCJ1-B row B | Closed | 2018-10-23 |
733 | Shared Hosting | Maintenance | Hosting | maintenance storage backend | Closed | 2018-10-21 |
696 | Datacenter | Change | All Services | relocation DCJ1-A | Closed | 2018-10-15 |
729 | Network | Change | Involved Service | relocation backbone router h2 | Closed | 2018-10-13 |
719 | Datacenter | Change | Dedicated Servers | relocation DCJ1-C row C | Closed | 2018-10-10 |
533 | Network | Upgrade | All Services | Upgrade transit ports 2017/2018 | Closed | 2018-10-05 |
724 | Network | Maintenance | Jena1 | transmission equipment maintenance DCJ1 | Closed | 2018-10-05 |
221 | Network | Implementation | Involved Service | deployment WDM connection to new POP Jena | Closed | 2018-10-05 |
620 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Maintenance | Involved Service | refurbish HN9-live | Closed | 2018-10-04 |
682 | Datacenter | Change | All Services | relocation DCJ1-B row D | Closed | 2018-09-27 |
717 | Datacenter | Change | All Services | relocation DCJ1-CR all rows | Closed | 2018-09-27 |
570 | Storage | Maintenance | Storage | nas2 hdd7 error / migration of accounts | Closed | 2018-09-16 |
657 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Virtual Servers | End of OpenVZ vServer Trial testing | Closed | 2018-08-16 |
690 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Update | Virtual Servers | update hostsystems 06.06.2018 / 05.07.2018 | Closed | 2018-08-15 |
671 | Dedicated Servers | Upgrade | Dedicated Servers | Expand installation system v2 with Software R... | Closed | 2018-04-15 |
678 | Datacenter | Change | Dedicated Servers | relocation DCJ1-B row A | Closed | 2018-04-13 |
675 | Storage | Incident | Storage | gnas14 down | Closed | 2018-03-30 |
673 | Storage | Update | Storage | update filer backends 16.3.2018 | Closed | 2018-03-19 |
672 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Update | Virtual Servers | update hostsystems 15.03.2018 | Closed | 2018-03-15 |
500 | Dedicated Servers | Upgrade | Dedicated Servers | deployment new rescue-system v3 | Closed | 2018-03-12 |
511 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Termination | Involved Service | removal of unused Trial-Hostnodes | Closed | 2018-03-09 |
660 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Update | Virtual Servers | update hostsystems / security patches | Closed | 2018-03-09 |
668 | Domain | Termination | Domain | removal Domain Basic / Lite | Closed | 2018-02-07 |
666 | Service + Support | Programming | Involved Service | Deployment EUserv Android App v1.5.3 | Closed | 2018-02-07 |
662 | Storage | Change | Storage | renaming BackupHD to BackupHD Classic | Closed | 2018-02-06 |
663 | Dedicated Servers | Change | Involved Service | price increase Windows Server licenses | Closed | 2018-02-06 |
648 | Service + Support | Programming | Involved Service | Deployment EUserv Android App v1.5.2 | Closed | 2018-01-31 |
652 | Service + Support | Upgrade | Involved Service | Upgrade Control Panel v2 (KC2) - 2.12.7_20171... | Closed | 2018-01-25 |
661 | Service + Support | Update | Missing Feature | Update TaC for dedicated Servers 23.01.2018 | Closed | 2018-01-23 |
659 | Service + Support | Improvement | Missing Feature | Expand invoice-email to deep links | Closed | 2018-01-23 |
568 | Virtual Servers / VPS | Maintenance | Virtual Servers | update hostnodes (trial + live) 04/2017 | Closed | 2017-12-20 |
656 | Network | Incident | Jena1 | outage connection Jena -> FRA | Closed | 2017-12-13 |
655 | Dedicated Servers | Upgrade | Involved Service | Expand KVM over IP feature with own ISO image... | Closed | 2017-12-10 |
585 | Service + Support | Programming | Involved Service | Deployment EUserv Android App v1.5.1 | Closed | 2017-12-10 |